The protection and control system is essential to “keep the lights on” while protecting people, livestock and critical assets from the harmful effects of high voltages. It is hard to predict power system faults but correctly configured protection and control system can significantly reduce the extent of damage and the duration of interruption. In addition, correctly calculated and applied protection settings ensure that the connected user complies with the Grid Code and is compatible with the transmission or distribution system.
Amper-Energy Ltd is a “one stop shop” for smart power grid protection and control service requirements in a low carbon world .
We offer power system analysis, protection and control system design, protective and control relays configuration services, and commissioning support. We provide these services to a diverse range of customers including electrical equipment manufacturers, distributed generation and storage owners, renewable energy developers, major EPC contractors, ICPs, IDNOs and distribution networks operators.
Our focus is on the provision of high quality engineering professional services for connections to the electricity distribution network.